Noelle or Linnea?

With mamma.

Noelle look-a-like?

In pappas arms. And no, he is not breast feeding the baby...

Our lovely midwife that helped me through delivery!

Linnea Elin! Born June 7 th at 7.32 pm weighing 4295 gr and 53 cm long.

Baby delivery time... in prep for...

Wrestling with pappa in the water!

Picknick out on the island, Ramsön, with mamma and pappa.

Running around catching ball with pappa.

Oiling the railing with pappa. No pants on as we are toilet training!

And being somewhat naughty, right after mamma folded all clothes.

Trying on mammas boots again!

Snuggling with Carl in the baby crib...

Biking on her tricycle.

Boating with Grandma during her visit.

Going boating.

Climbing rocks with Pappa.

Snuggling in the hammock!

Happy little girl!
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