What has happened...
Well, Noelle is now almost 19 months and weighs 10,17 kg and is 82,5 cm long (tall)... She remains tall and skinny, but has gained over a kg since the last time we went to the doctor in January. Her talents are above average, though we knew that from the very start... she understands both English and Swedish which is remarkable. She can imitate a dog, a cow, and does the peep peep sound for a bird and a mouse. The words in her vocabulary are the following; mamma, pappa, titta (look), tittut (peekaboo), baby, hot and öra or öja (ear). At the 18 months checkup they should know about 8 to 10 words, less if they are dual languages, apparently animal sounds count as well, so you may understand how talented she is. They are also supposed to stack blocks. Derek and I were a little concerned about this one, as Noelle showed more interest in knocking the blocks down instead of stacking them. So we put her in training a few weeks before the visit, and now she is a perfect stacker (smile).
Her wrist has healed very well, we have taken her to the specialist twice and they are pleased with the healing. The scar from the accident is still there and will probably be there for a while. She moves her hand like normal, so no indication of nerve damage, which we are very happy about.
She is a happy, little mischievous girl, that makes Derek and myself smile a lot. She started doing an angry face, not because she is angry, but because it causes a reaction from us. She always laughs after she does her angry face. Hopefully we will be able to capture it in a picture one of these days.
Attached are some pictures over the past couple of months.
Yay!!! I love new posts! She is getting cuter and cuter as she grows, so much hair she has. Thanks for sharing the pics:)