We'll start in December and work our way through mid January. I don't have any pictures from Christmas unfortunately as we used my parents camera, and not our own...

Noelle was one of the Lucia during a Lucia train celebration in our homevillage, Benareby. She sang so hard she lost control over her drooling...

Our cute little Lucia! You see some gingerbread men and little santas in the background :)

Noelle with her second cousins at my aunt Birgitta's house. One of the many "glöggfikas" we went to in December. Glögg is warm spiced wine, Christmas drink and oh so good!

Birgitta's stairs are awesome, at least for Noelle. My back got sore after a while.

First snow. A bit confusing.

Model look? Note the tip of her lip - is that daddy Derek's or what?

Pretty curls, another trait from her dad :)

In Teramo, Italy visiting Drake and Gini.

Beautiful day at the Adriatic sea. So beautiful and lovely weather!

Playing in the sand.

Running around like always.

Derek and Noelle, enjoying not having to wear winter coats!

A little girl kept walking with us and talking Italian. Her father owned a seafood restaurant by the shore.

One of many cappuccinos - and yes, we did consume them after 10.00 am, which is a no no in Italy...

Noelle a little thirsty.

Close up picture just for Grandma Sara :)

A little sightseeing up at Gran Sasso National Forest. Amazing views!

Look at the view (not me).

Noelle at the Birreria.

Big bell!

Noelle's new friend Lydia, Drake and Gini's neighbor.

Lots of new exciting toys at Lydia's house!

Our favorite village was called Sirolo, we loved it!

Noelle and Derek checking out the basketball court where Drake had just played his game.

Win, lose, who cares?

Drake is now Noelle's favorite uncle. Sorry Drew and Christoffer. But that is the truth :)

At the doctor for a check-up. They made a balloon for her of a hospital glove.


Drake, Gini, and Noelle at a castle.

Our family at the stairway to heaven :)

In Rome by the Colosseum. We were only there for a few hours and it started pouring rain, so we have to come back one day to visit!

On the lake riding the "kick."