onsdag 28 oktober 2009

Morfars hidden talent

Not many people know, but my dad has a music ear. He can listen to a song, and then play it on the piano. Here is a video of him playing a Frank Sinatra song. The name of it escapes me. How I wish I had this talent! I at least hope that it may have skipped a generation and that Noelle will get it instead! We filmed in secret, so he doesn't know this exists, nor that I would post it on the blog.

1 kommentar:

  1. Vilken talang han är Hans! Det hade vi faktiskt ingen aning om. Det får bli ett uppträdande nästa släktträff. Kul o se din blogg, har kollat runt lite bland underbara bilder. Hoppas vi ses snart. Tina o Anders
