fredag 3 april 2009

Back to Work

Today, Friday April 3, Noelle is 6 months old and I returned to work. This was very hard, and I cried as soon as I dropped Noelle off. It was funny going back, almost as if I hadn't left at all...
Anyways, I told Susan that I wouldn't call, as I think that might be annoying to her and hard for me. She said she'd e-mail me with how the day was going.
I got the e-mail at 12, all was well. Noelle had been napping and happy. She was playing with Lilly (the other 6 month old baby), and laughing and not missing mom at all - except... the teet of course. We have been giving Noelle the bottle and she has been very reluctant to it. She is not a big fan of formula. Apparently, she did not eat pretty much all day, except a few drops here and there . She said no thanks to the oatmeal cereal with the applesauce (which I had prepared for her the previous evening), she said no gracias to the carrots, and she said nej tack to the breastmilk by itself. I guess she was on hungerstrike until the teet, that would be me, got home.
Nervous as I am, Derek said that he could go home earlier, and he finally got her to eat my applesauce with rice. Nine hours with out eating!! Talk about being stubborn. Apparently this can happen to breastfed babies. I, of course, had to call her pediatrician, who said not to woory after only one day. She may not get used to it for a few days. We'll see what happens. When I got home, I cried again, and gave her the teet. And she even took the bottle from me, which she had seconds ago, rejected from Derek.
Oh, and by the way, we still don't have our computer back, so pictures will have to wait even more. Don't worry though, we got somegood ones!

2 kommentarer:

  1. Hei Elisa!
    Savnet deg og Noelle paa mammagruppen paa tirsdag. Vi faar finne paa noe en helg. Jeg er lei for at du hadde en saa roeff start paa jobb. Hvordan gaar det naa etter en uke? God paaske!

    Ragne og Emma

  2. Stubborn? I wonder where she gets THAT from? lol :)
