This morning we had two visitors - moose calves. The mother was no longer with them. We suspect that she fell in love with a new man, and is off establishing a new home with him! So these two are now on their own! Noelle was so giddy when she saw them, laughing and chanting! Like they were long lost friends...
onsdag 16 september 2009
Busy day working!
It's been a busy day for busy bees! Noelle keeps saying "busy" all the time, meaning that she is so busy from the time she wakes up in the morning, until she goes to bed at night. Today we have been running errands, and Noelle slept the whole time! She fell asleep in the car on the way out, and woke up on the way home, so she probably enjoyed the running errand day!
Besides running errands, we have been driving our tractor, riding the wheel barrow, watched morfar cut down a tree (the motorsaw was a little scary for Noelle), we have also walked a lot (with a tight grip to my fingers...) We had fish, potatoes, and peas for supper, and Noelle ate most of all of us! It's been a busy day for our busy bee!

måndag 14 september 2009
More activities in Sweden!

söndag 13 september 2009
Activities in Sweden!
We have done lots since our arrival in Goteborg. We have picked blueberris, blackberries, chantarelles, looked at cows, climbed some rock, picked flowers, watched some moose, and of course just being a busy bee. Noelle's latest word is "bitte" imagine that her first word would be in german (I guess that's natural since her last name is German). When she wants something, she says "da, daa." She eats lots, and has so much energy. She can stand on her own, without holding on, for a minute. She walks holding on with only one hand. She is our little sweetheart, and gets cuter everyday.
fredag 4 september 2009
Walking (with support)
Noelle is getting closer and closer to walking. She walks holding hands with us, and with something to support her. Can't believe how fast it goes! Scary...
In Sweden, finally!
We have now been in Sweden for a couple of weeks, and so far all is going well. Derek started school this past week, and getting accustomed to Goteborg, which is where we will live. Noelle and I are enjoying the countryside (quite a contrast from Chicago), and of course spending time with morfar (Elisa's father).
We were in Taby outside of Stockholm for the first few days, and spent some time with Elisa's old childhood friends. They are so lovely, and I feel so lucky to have them! Pretty amazing considering that I have been gone for ten years! Talk about great friends. Louise organized a welcome home brunch for us, so that we could see everyone. One surprise was that Jenny got married the day before! It was a secret for everyone except the parents - so congrats to Jenny and Erik!
We also went for dinner at Jeanette and Tobias for some great pizza, and Noelle and their daughter Isabella had a great time together. Noelle enjoyed crawling after Bella while Bella was running around! Too cute!

Noelle in Vasa Parken in Goteborg.

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