måndag 25 maj 2009

Cheerios Fun!

The Ocean of Cheerios

So, I sometimes, I leave for work before Derek, and he is supposed to be in charge... somehow, Noelle gets hold of the Cheerios box and holds it upside down, and the Cheerios pour out of the box. Noelle thought this was great!
So cool to move the legs around these little rounds things... And, what a perfect way to practive my motor skills!
But, what a cutie - so who cares that we have cereal all over the floor!

This and that!

Finally Noelle got to meet her Uncle Drake - he was the last, but not the least, family member to meet and greet. Noelle is so happy the day finally arrived, so she had tears of joy!

We made a Cinco de Mayo pizza cake! Happy Cinco de Mayo!

This was the last of the original mommy group. Baby Milla moved back to Sweden with her mom, Emma and dad, Johnny. You will be greatly missed, but we appreciate all the fun we had together!