We have been "training" diligently with Noelle to perfect her tummy time skills, and I must say that I proud of her endeavors. However, Noelle has, for the past couple of weeks, found a way to outsmart her parents. She is now performing a type of yoga move, by arching her butt high up in the air, while getting a good stretch (must be a heritage from me), and then rolling to her back. Tummy time these days only lasts for a few minutes at a time... Don't worry, I still roll her back to her tummy so that she gets the proper training she needs to be successful!
fredag 27 februari 2009
onsdag 25 februari 2009
Social Events

On Tuesdays, Noelle and I meet with the other Scandinavial mothers in Chicago. Pretty amazing that so many of us have babies at the same time - so fun! This time we met with Ragne and her little girl Emma (Derek loves Emma's cheeks, which I am sure you'll understand why). The newest member, Gustav, who was born in January was also there, along with this mother Annica. We missed little Milla and Viggo this week, but they'll be back shortly! We had some amazing chili and cake and coffee (goes without saying), then we went for a walk down to the lake. Great day!
When we came home, Casey, who is Noelle's godfather, came over for supper. Noelle stared at him for probably half an hour, so now his face is etched on to her memory. She settled in and was happy as can be at last!
Derek also got to play with Noelle, right before bedtime, so she was wound up to say the least. But it was so cute, so definetely worth it! After playing with dad for a bit, it was time for her to get ready for bed. Lucky for me, it was Derek who got her ready for bed. He was in for a big surprise. It was so big, so he had to give her a bath... We let the shower run and put Noelle in her tub, and she enjoyed feeling the drops on her head. It almost looked like she was chasing them!
Needless to say, we had a very fun filled day!
måndag 23 februari 2009
Exercising with the Exersaucer!
Noelle learns more and more each day that passes. Here she is with her Exersaucer.
Lunch with the Gutmann's

Our friends who used to live in Chicago, came for a visit, so we met them for lunch on Friday. Paula gave Noelle a super cute onesie! Emma and her little girl, Milla, was also there (Milla is born 23 hours after Noelle, and we meet with them at least once a week)! Milla is drinking from a glass, not bad!
Noelle is "Mummyish" aka "mammig" (Swedish)

Today, I had to go to the doctor so I left Noelle with Susan, from whom we rent our apartment. She is the woman who will care for Noelle when I go back to work. Derek and I feel very lucky to be able to leave our little girl with Susan, as we have lived here for three and a half years, and know the family down below very well. I don't think that I would have been able to go back unless Susan took her. Anyways, Noelle was charming (like always), up until 15 minutes before I came home. She was hungry and Susan tried to giver her the bottle. Noelle would have nothing of it. When I came home, she saw me, and tears were streaming down her cheeks, and arms reaching for me (or my jugs, who knows). Though I have heard other mother's complaining that their children have become "mummyish" which I am not sure is a proper English word, "mammig" in Swedish, I have to selfishly admit that I felt a strong sensation of pride that my baby girl wants me. Is that her way of saying that she loves me? I'd like to think so. Noelle is the best thing that's happened to me, pardon me, the second... Derek would have to be the best, since without him, I wouldn't have Noelle :). I love her so much.
Here she is happy in her new crib!
fredag 20 februari 2009
Baby Beethoven
Noelle shows great appreciation for the piano. I mean, look how determined she is on hitting the key perfectly!
torsdag 19 februari 2009
Noelle's first pool experience
She liked the pool so I am thinking about starting babyswim with her pretty soon (not sure if that's the same in English as in Swedish). Never too early to learn how to swim. I will put her in Morfar's swimming school eventually...
onsdag 18 februari 2009
tisdag 10 februari 2009
Noelle's first "grown-up" meal - Rice Cereal, mmmm
Yesterday, February 9, was the first time that Noelle tried som solid food. Rice cereal. She seemed to like it. Her shirt was completely wet following this experience.
måndag 9 februari 2009
Laughing Baby
Noelle loves making us stay active. I am not sure if she's laughing because she thinks it's funny when we jump, or the fact that she, who is 4 months old, can make an adult jump like this... Enjoy!
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